Rights of Passage Author: Kimberly Spoilers: None really. General references to all 9 seasons. Category: Story. Character Angst. Major Character Death. Rating: PG-13 for strong emotional angst. Summary: One era ends, a new one begins. Our agents come to terms with what their futures hold. Archive: XFMU, for now. If you want it, just email me and tell me. Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, but I love every single one of them. Author's Note: This fic was written in response to XFMU's April Fic Challenge #1. Thanks for reading. _______________________________________________________ Scully: She has been here before. The same table in the same room where she had been interrogated about Mulder, his work, and his whereabouts. And now, she was to give a statement similar to that. Along with her resignation. For weeks she had agonized over the decision that would end a not-so-illustrious but fulfilling career with the FBI. She had held back as she clung to a hope that had so recently been shattered. Today, Dana Katherine Scully would sign her final report that would officially declare Fox William Mulder dead. Doggett: Two years. Two years was all the time he had been given with Scully. He would do anything to protect her and the child she loved so passionately. He knew that feeling, he also knew loss. Today was a loss in more than one way. John Doggett regretted not being more forceful in securing Mulder's safe return. He regretted that he failed Scully, that he failed William. After today, a new era would begin in the dark basement office he knew so well. Could he carry the burden? Reyes: The morning began with a tense drive to work. Monica Reyes knew what today was. Scully had made the call to her late last night. There would be meetings, questions, and she and Doggett would undoubtedly have an uphill battle to keep the X-Files opened. Already open-minded, this past year had taught her to never believe anything is impossible. **************** Scully: The door opened and Scully tensed as Kersh entered, followed by Skinner and several other top officials with the Bureau. Each nodded politely in her direction. Scully nervously checked her watch. They had a few minutes, but she had hoped Doggett and Reyes would show up early to offer support before the others arrived. "We cannot be kept waiting, Agent Scully." Kersh's stare was the same cold one she had become accustomed to after all these years. "If they don't show by ten, we'll start without them." "I understand, sir." Scully silently prayed. All eyes were on her. Doggett and Reyes: Doggett was waiting anxiously by the elevator. Eight minutes and she had still not arrived. He watched the clock turn to 9:53 just as Reyes hurried through the doors and past security. "Cuttin' it close, Monica." Reyes adjusted her hold on her briefcase. "You want to make sarcastic comments now?" "I don't want to anymore." They stepped into the elevator and rode in silence to what felt like impending doom. One, two, three, the floors clicked past slowly and methodically. The door opened, showing two agents who felt inadequately prepared for this meeting. The silence continued during the walk down the hall. Reyes smoothed her jacket and paused outside the door. "Are you ready?" Doggett swallowed. No, he was not. This moment would change the direction of his life no matter what happened. "It's 9:59. We'd better get in there." Without a word, Reyes leaned over and quickly kissed Doggett's cheek. She pushed open the door. A startled Doggett followed her inside to two chairs beside Scully, he sat in between his partners. Scully squeezed his hand quickly before everything started. **************** "Agent Scully, since 1993 you have been assigned to the X-Files on which you worked with Agent Mulder until 2000 and with Agent Doggett until you took a leave of absence due to the birth of your son." Kersh flipped through a thick file before returning his attention to Scully. "Over the years, Agent Mulder built quite a reputation for making unfounded accusations as to government conspiracies. He also built a reputation for disappearing and reappearing when it was convenient." Scully looked at her hands, Doggett cleared his throat, and Reyes shifted in her seat. Kersh eyed each of them while Skinner focused on Scully. "This meeting was called to focus on one thing only," Kersh paused for effect, then continued, "to finalize the death of Special Agent Fox Mulder." He folded his hands and looked directly at Scully. "However, I believe it would be unfair to not allow Agent Scully to clear up some of the purported 'mysteries' the X-Files department has investigated over the years. So, without further ado, Agent Scully, please enlighten us." The command given, the three agents fell into place. Reyes retrieved the files she had been charged with gathering and passed them to Doggett to be added to the pile in front of Scully. Scully sighed and looked at both Kersh and Skinner, in turn. "How much time do you have?" ***************** Unexplained cow mutilations and simple phenomenon were dealt with at a rapid pace. Doggett ran the slide projector while Scully walked the A.D.s through each frame. She intended to ease them along so the true mysteries she cared about could be explained. "Nine years ago," Scully began slowly to keep the edge in her voice tempered, "Section Chief Blevins assigned me to the X-Files as an attempt by the FBI to find someone willing to debunk the work of Agent Mulder-" "Agent Scully..." Kersh sighed loudly. "Sir, I will continue." Scully stood straight and met his gaze. "In these past nine years, I have seen things which defy scientific explanations. I have also encountered many roadblocks set up by the Federal Government that have prevented us..." She broke off slowly. 'Us'. Scully expected Mulder to walk in at any given moment. "All of us - Agent Doggett, Agent Reyes, myself - we have all been prevented from learning the truth." Reyes stood and handed Scully a file. "Five years ago, I was diagnosed with cancer. A cancer which I believe was created and destroyed by the same people who abducted me seven years ago." Skinner squirmed and shook his head in her direction. He did not think now was a good time to talk about this. Scully was almost free. She should just head for the finish line without any further discussion. "And who abducted you, Agent? Grey or green aliens?" Scully glared at Kersh as she spoke sharply, "Men, Deputy Director Kersh. Men who were conducting experiments on behalf of a shadow group of the United States government." "For what purpose?" The question came from a man she could not identify. "Experiments were conducted in hopes of finding ways to protect present and future generations from extinction by an anticipated alien colonization of our planet." "Did they succeed?" Skinner spoke up before anyone could scold these claims as ludicrous. Scully felt her throat constrict, rendering unable to answer. Oh God! What Mulder had been through! What she had seen! What Doggett and Reyes had shielded William from! It was all so impossible to comprehend! **************** Doggett: Reyes had signaled him immediately as Scully's distress became quite evident. Doggett had jumped from his position to relieve Scully. He had less emotionally invested in this subject. Scully, on the other hand, had William as a daily reminder. "Agent Doggett," Kersh sent an icy glare as he took Scully's place, "are you planning on shedding any light on the death of Agent Mulder?" "Sir, I believe I can." Folders opened and pens clicked, ready to write down what Doggett had to reveal. "The circumstances surrounding the death of Agent Mulder are the most selfless I have witnessed since my service in Lebanon." Scully's eyes filled with tears as these words settled in her heart. That night had been so dark. The culmination of a life's work was obvious in the denseness of the air. And Mulder, standing there, knowing that he would be surrounded within minutes... "At approximately 10pm on May 13th, I received a call from Agent Mulder giving me the exact location of his whereabouts and that he had reason to fear for the lives of Agent Scully and her son." Doggett projected a map of the Arizona desert onto the screen. "In about 8 hours, Agent Reyes and I were able to locate Agents Mulder and Scully and William in a small town 35 miles from where we had located Gibson Praise two years ago." "Agent Doggett, you declared Agent Mulder's actions to be selfless but you have yet to begin describing them." Doggett turned to face his audience, "Deputy Director, I was under the assumption that we were to proceed in a precisely descriptive manner, being careful to accurately account for each step we made." "Proceed with the facts surrounding Mulder's death." **************** Scully: She knew them by heart. In the last week she had agonized over any option that had been available and was not taken. Scully's eyes closed as the images of her final moments with Mulder played out. "I have to do this." Mulder had held her head in his hands. "For you, for William. If I stay, the threat to your lives never ends." "No!" Tears had streamed down her face as she wildly grasped Mulder's shirt collar. "Please! Oh God, Mulder, if you leave, there won't be protection. They'll come take William. They'll destroy all we've-" "All we've chased after is finished. There is NO alien colonization! There never was! Everything has been caused by the Syndicate and the Smoking Man in their quest for superiority!" She had not understood then and she did not understand now. "But my abduction! Yours! Mulder, the black oil and all you've seen. You're ready to just give up and let them win?" Mulder had kissed her softly on the forehead and pulled her to him. Sitting in that meeting room, Scully could still recall the smell of his skin. "They don't win. I win by securing your safety. If there was another way-" Headlights had begun rolling across the desert landscape. Overhead, helicopters roared. "There's no time!" The desperate cry had come from Doggett who had stayed with Reyes and William in the car that had carried everyone to Mulder's final destination. "Oh my God!" Scully had latched her hands around Mulder's waist. Praying and crying, she had pleaded with him in those final moments. "Doggett, Reyes - they'll help us! We can be together forever. Even if the rest of our lives are spent hiding, we'll be together!" She had watched a sad smile cross his face before he kissed her again. "I love you, Dana. I love our son. I love knowing that you two will be free for the rest of your lives. All this has been about revenge for interfering in the Smoking Man's plan to gain power. When I'm gone you will be safe." The sobs had wracked her body at that point. The circle of death was gradually closing in. Unbeknownst to Scully, Mulder had signaled Doggett. Strong arms gently, but firmly broke her hold on Mulder. "Let me go!" She kicked and screamed as Mulder moved further away. "Agent Doggett! Let me go, dammit! Help me save him!" It was only later that she would learn Mulder had coordinated every move with Doggett and Reyes. Doggett was in charge of Scully, Reyes was in charge of William. While she had been fighting Doggett, Reyes had guarded William with her life and service weapon. Skinner was within a hundred yards, only to be called if necessary. William's cries were unheard as helicopters landed. Men dressed in kevlar and carrying machine guns formed a blockade. More men poured out of cars the provided light that night. "Keep her back, Agent Doggett!" Scully watched Mulder's outstretched hand motioning them back. "Keep your promise to me and KEEP HER BACK!" He continued backwards, moving further into the circle. "MULDER! MULDER! No, Doggett, let me got!" Doggett had said nothing as he pulled her back to the car and to her waiting child. "MONICA!" Doggett yelled without letting go of Scully. "Cover William!" The men in kevlar raised their weapons into the air and fired several rounds, breaking any remaining desert stillness. The circle completed around Mulder with the addition of one man seemingly stepping out of the shadows. Helicopter blades had continued to whirl but suddenly fell silent. No screams came from William, there was no talking. Doggett's hold on Scully remained firm throughout the unfolding scene. The man who had completed the circle held a gun pointed at Mulder. Silence permitted Scully to hear words that would haunt her eternity. "Dasvidanya, Fox Mulder." A single shot followed. The blockade of men broke apart, as well as the circle. Helicopters left, cars pulled away. It was over. **************** Scully had collapsed in shock before the faceless men left. The remaining events had to be filled in after she pulled herself together. Skinner had carefully retrieved Mulder's body for burial. Doggett had laid Scully in the back of the car while Reyes held tightly to William, tears streaming from his face. It was a night that no one would ever forget. A family ripped apart because a sacrifice was required. A sacrifice because Mulder had pursued the demons of the soul without retreating. In meany ways, these demons had come to consume his soul in a way he would never understand until the peace came to him while holding Scully. The last thing he touched was the only person who had ever mattered. His sacrifice gave life and freedom to a mother and child. And, when every shadow car had gone, when the assassin had left, when Doggett and Skinner had driven their charges to safety, a lone figure stood beside the ground soaked in blood. A soft glow from the tip of his cigarette was the only light in the darkness. **************** Doggett: "I was there on that night," he projected a Bureau photograph onto the screen, "when former agent Alex Krycek fired a single round and ended the life of Fox Mulder." There was a distinct pause as he turned to catch Scully's tear-stained face. "Never have I met someone who taught me the true meaning of devotion - to a cause, to a person. A gift has been given to every person lucky enough to be touched by the life of Fox Mulder." Doggett turned off the projector and took his seat. "Alex Krycek." Kersh repeated the name as if committing it to memory. "So, you know Mulder's killer. That leaves the bulk of his work unresolved." **************** Reyes: "Sir, most of it will remain unresolved but not unsolved." Reyes' declaration startled everyone in the room, including Doggett and Scully. "How so, Agent Reyes?" Kersh threw out the question in a mocking tone. "Well," she began slowly, "he has an extensive file on his sister's disappearance." Reyes held up one as an example. "For Mulder's purposes, he solved this case and he was at peace with Samantha even though she was never found." "Bravo for him." Reyes ignored this snide remark. "There's Scully's cancer. While no one replace the pain she suffered, it's now in remission and she has a child she was never supposed to have." "Because of Mulder? You're saying Mulder cured Scully's cancer?" "He helped cure it like he helped solve unsolved murders and protect children. Mulder succeeded because he refused to give up! Mulder looked towards what mattered and away from the people who belittled his work." Reyes stopped quickly. To everyone in the room it was obvious her comments were directed towards Kersh. "Are you finished," Kersh's eyes were wide, "Agent Reyes?" **************** Forms were passed around the table to Skinner and the three agents. To finalize the reports, each agent was required to sign under their immediate supervisor. Scully - Doggett - Reyes, each in turn and in order of employment. A beady-eyed man next to Kersh collected the papers and stamped them with 'COMPLETE'. But, it was not all complete. **************** Scully: "Before we leave, are there anymore comments that any of you would like to share?" Skinner studied Scully's face as Kersh asked the question. "Sir, I have something to add." Scully reached into a small file sitting in front of her. Doggett and Reyes had done their best to suggest other avenues rather than this. They had pleaded with her to return to the X-Files. Scully could not. Her era was over. Theirs was just beginning. Before handing the letter to Kersh, Scully dated and signed the bottom. "Your resignation?" Kersh's forehead wrinkled while he read it. "Well, Agent Scully, I can't say this is a surprise." "Many things factored into my decision, sir. I have a son to consider and Mulder is gone. However," Scully smiled at Doggett and Reyes, "I wouldn't be so quick to leave if I wasn't sure the X-Files were in good hands." The beady-eyed man flipped on the lights as Kersh and the Assistant Directors stood. "You can pick up your final paycheck and turn in your service weapon with personnel." "Thank you, sir." Scully stayed with Doggett and Reyes as everyone left. **************** Doggett and Reyes: "Let's get your stuff." Doggett pushed open the basement office door, revealing a couple of boxes holding the remaining items from Mulder and Scully's tenure. Doggett and Reyes watched quietly as Scully walked the length of the office one more time. They watched her fingers touch the walls, as if memorizing their texture. They felt like intruders into a sacred moment of letting go. "Take care of these files since I won't be here to watch over them." Scully had stopped at the metal drawers. Doggett could see her eyes begin to glisten. "Scully?" He moved towards her and lightly touched her shoulder. "We can step out while you..." Doggett trailed off when Scully covered her mouth to prevent a sob from escaping. Slowly, she drew him into a hug. "Oh, I didn't think it would be so hard. Thank you for everything, John. You've done so much when you didn't have to stick with this." "Hey," he spoke quietly as their embrace continued, "I wouldn't trade a single moment." Scully smiled as she stepped back. "I believe you." She approached Reyes, who had tears falling from her eyes. "Now, none of that." Scully handed her a tissue before hugging her. "You helped bring my baby into the world, Monica, and you protected him so many times in the last year. I could never repay you." "Just promise you'll see us from time to time." Reyes hugged Scully once more. Scully reached into one of the boxes on the desk and removed a rolled sheet. She moved behind the desk, unfurled the sheet, and tacked it to the wall. "There will be days when you look at this just to get the strength to keep going." The 'I Want To Believe' poster reclaimed its rightful place in the dark basement. Both boxes in hand, Scully stepped to the opened door and took one long look at the last nine years of her life. Without another word, she left her past behind. Doggett and Reyes stood quietly and reverently as Scully walked from the office. After a minute, Doggett broke the silence. "Just me and you." "And a dog named Blue." Doggett shot a look at Reyes. "Sorry John." ===== My Yahoo Group: Celebrating X-Cellence - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/celebrating_x_cellence/ The Man Who Changed "The X-Files" http://www.geocities.com/starbuck20032000/jd_tribute.html