Title: For the Second Time Author: Wolf Spoilers: William, The Truth, Any episode where Mulder was George Hale. Rating: PG13, for violence and language, romance, UST. Disclaimer: If I'm guilty of anything, it's loving too much. Summary: What if they had been caught while trying to escape the prison with Mulder? Author's Note: Submission to Challenge #1 for June. What would happen if Mulder and the boys had been caught trying to escape in The Truth? ___ I run down the corridor as fast as humanly possible. Mulder and Skinner are running like hell next to me. We come to intersection and freeze. A group of men and women in fatigues have stopped us in our tracks. They are young but have guns the size of small dogs and the guns are pointed straight at us. Slowly, Mulder puts his hands in the air. I wince inwardly at this sign of obedience. How much pain has been inflicted on this man? "Don't move," says a woman calmly in a Californian drawl. "Put your hands in the air and go against the wall. You are in a restricted area with out permission from the authorities." For one moment I believe that she doesn't know who we are but that is quickly overshadowed by Mulder's orange suited body up against the wall next to me. My gun is taken away, along with my flashlight. The woman with the Californian drawl is calling for the 'proper' authorities while the other three stand behind us with guns up against our necks. "Hey Josh, is this Mulder?" asks a different woman, whose gun is pressed firmly against my neck. "Yeah, I think so," Josh says. He is guarding Mulder. Maybe if they keep talking, I reason, they'll relax and.... "Shut up you guys," the third soldier replies. Mulder snickers softly but not softly enough. Josh kicks him. The women with the radio begins to talk to the others. "They're bringing another two squads. They want Mulder here to go back to his cell. Doggett and Skinner can go to cell block A." How do they know our names? I never saw them near the 'court room.' "They ain't going to kill the other two are they?" The third soldier asks worriedly. "These two didn't do anything." "Shut up," the other two say immediately. The woman digs the gun deeper into my neck. ___ I am thrown in to a jail cell. It is dark and damp and yet, the ground is warm, as if I am sitting on top of a refrigerator. I hear Skinner curse as he in thrown to the ground in a cell close to me. "Skinner?" I call out. "Didja see where they took Mulder?" "No," he calls back. The same young woman who held a gun to my neck appears in front of the bars and tells me shut up. When she leaves and I yell out again. "How about-" I rack my mind for a code name for Monica. "-Desert Rose? Didja see any clocks?" "Only 20 minutes, dammit!" "Shut up." The woman is back. "God almighty." She puts her hands on her hips and glares at me. "Do you two need disciplinary action?" I bite my lip to refrain from answering. Well, duh. Of course we need disciplinary action. But she is just threatening us and I can't see this young woman, who is about 5'2 carrying out her threat, especially since I'm about 6 or 7 inches taller then her and I'm probably stronger too. She also doesn't seem to notice that I just royally slipped up about a third person. Either that, or she doesn't care. _____ I spent a long and lonely night on the floor of my cell. I could only hope Monica had gotten the hell out of the base. I could only hope she had gone to Scully and that they were now waiting silently at home. I began to hope for a lot of things. "Doggett?" The young woman was back. I blink. Someone had turned on all the lights while I was asleep. I sit up and stare up at her. "Someone wants to see you. Do you want to see her?" "Yes. How long am I in here for?" I ask, fearing the answer. "A long time Doggett. A very long time that you will regret." She laughs harshly. "I gotta babysit you the whole time. You," her attention is diverted to someone down the corridor. "Get down here." Monica comes up to the bars and clenches them as if she were imprisoned, not me. I've never seen her face so full of pain. Tears are in her eyes, but she has not been crying before now. I touch the side of her face with my hand. "It's gonna be okay. We're gonna get out of here," I reassure her. She shakes her head violently and tears fall. "No John, no it isn't okay. Mulder's being executed in two weeks and those bastards wants all witness' to witness his death," she wipes her eyes furiously. "You and Skinner are locked and Scully at her wits end. I don't even know when you're going to get out of here, I don't even have that small amount of faith the rely on, that you'll get out, if ever at all." "I am gonna get out," I promise. "I am and I will." I caress her cheek with my thumb. "You don't have to be so strong Mon." "I do!" she insists. "Because Dana can't. She's lost or losing everything dear to her and I, we have to be strong for her. She's going to kill her self John." Monica loses it completely and breaks down, crying. Insanely, a song pops into my head and I sing it. "Never knew I could feel like this," I mumble, mostly to myself. "Like I've never seen the sky before." Monica stares at me dumbfounded. When she recovers from the initial shock of hearing me sing and especially something so random at a time like this, she smiles. "I'd kiss you," she says bluntly. "I've you weren't locked up and there weren't more important things on my mind. Like for example, how to stop Mulder's execution and stop Scully at the same time killing herself. And maybe, if at all possible, to get William here to see his Daddy, even if it is in death. Oh and to get you guys out," she adds as an afterthought. "William," I murmur to myself. "Damn you Spender. You just had to say that didn't you?" ____ Monica brings me the letter. She has somehow managed to track down the family William is with and is now begging them to bring him up here. "Dear Mr. And Mrs. Van de Kamp, There is no way to say this lightly so I apologize if I sound abrupt. I know that you will scorn my idea but please, consider it. My name is Monica Reyes and I am a friend of Fox Mulder and Dana Scully. Those names mean nothing to you, but to your son William, they mean everything. Fox Mulder and Dana Scully are his birth parents. Fox Mulder is being executed by the state and I am begging you to bring William to his father one last time. I hope that is not too much to ask. I have included plane tickets for Thursday, May 30th. Please, do consider this and come. As you see it's terribly important to me, to Mulder, to Scully, to all of us. Regards, Monica Reyes." "You paid for the tickets for your self?" I ask, stunned. "Yes. And yes, I did use the bureau to pay for the tickets." "Accounting's going to butcher you." "Yes I know. But it's the only thing that can remotely stop Scully from killing her herself after Mulder dies." "How do you know she's even going to kill herself?" "John," she says slowly and carefully. "This is Scully and Mulder we're talking about. Partners. Best Friends. Soul mates. You really think she's not going to try to join him up in heaven? Have you ever had your soul mate die?" I can't say I've had. But I don't know if I've ever met my soul mate either. I tell her this and she merely raises an eyebrow. "I've gotta run," she says. _____ 2 weeks later _____ The day before Mulder's execution I have a visitor in the form of a small, blue eyed boy. The female guard can't help smiling at the beautiful little boy. Monica is grinning like mad, though this is no time for smiling. The guard lets Monica and William into my cell for once and stands outside the bars waiting. Monica sets Will down on his hands and knees. "C'mon on Will," she encourages. "Go to Uncle John." William crawls toward me faster then I expected a child of that size too. He collapses into my open arms and I hug him. "Way to go Will!" I cheer. He giggles. Monica laughs but her expression becomes serious. I bounce Will on my knee and waited to see what she had to say. "The Van de Kamps can't take care of Will," she says softly. "Now that we've brought him back, we can't send him off with them. I can't believe I was so stupid. I called them back and now they can find him." She stares off angrily into space. "We explained everything to the Van de Kamps and they understand, sort of, how badly I screwed up. Dammit!" she cries out. "I can't believe I did that!" "Hey, hey," I say softly. "It'll be fine. Calm down. Would the Van de Kamps be willing to give up Will?" "Yes," she sighs, looking at the giggling baby on my left knee. "As long as when he's 18 he can contact them." "I don't want to send him off to another strange family Mon," I admit. "I wish he could just stay here, with us." Her eyes widen. "Maybe he can," she whispers urgently. "What if...." she trails off, her eyes lighting up. "Yes!" I kiss Will on the cheek and she takes him from me. This conversation is definitely over, as Monica seems to have come to some sort of epiphany. She kisses me on the cheek rather abruptly and takes off, leaving me stunned and silent on the floor. _____ I am seated in a chair facing a room with a steel table and shackles. Skinner sits next to me silent. For some reason, the guards thought it fit to torture us with this view an hour early. I wonder if Skinner knows about whatever Monica was going about yesterday. "Did you see William?" I ask. He nods. "He's certainly grown up," Skinner answers. "Yeah." Silence falls on us again. We stare at the steel table and the iv lines for another hour without speaking before Scully comes in. She is followed by Reyes, the Van de Kamps and William. Covarrubias, Gibson Praise and Spender come in sometime later. Gibson is with a tough looking man in a leather jacket. His hair is thick... black and his features are chiseled. Scully sits between Skinner and I, as if we can provide protection from what she is about to see. She is not crying, not even close and I wonder if she has some sort of brilliant plan. As a final bruise to his psyche, Mulder was not allowed any visitors for the rest of the time he was in prison. He does not know his son is here. He does not know who is here at all. I close my eyes, allowing myself a moment to forget all this, as Monica sits next to me. Even William is quiet for once, seated in Monica's lap. This strikes me as odd, because Monica is not Will's mother and both of him mother's are here. We are in the front row and I can not say anything. No one can. There is nothing to say. A guard walks in to the room we are viewing. Behind the thick glass, I hear him bark an order. Mulder trudges in, staring at the floor. Scully jumps up and touches the glass. He looks up and sees William. Monica grabs my hand and clutches it. Mulder breaks free of the guards and runs, as fast he can with his feet chained, toward the window. "William!" I hear him scream. "William!" Monica pinches William hard, on his left arm. He screams and the glass shatters completely. Mulder falls right through in to the room we are in. "Drop!" I scream. Everyone in the room falls to the floor. Mulder lies on the floor next to us as bullets ring out. The tough looking man who seated himself closest to the door , opens it and kicks the guard standing out there in the stomach. The guards bowls over and the man kicks him again. The guard collapses and the rest of us crawl toward the door. We manage to knock out 3 more guards and steal their guns, so with guns afire we escape the compound. Mr. and Mrs. Van de Kamp are actually very good shots. We run up some stairs to a where a hole has been cut in the fence. Kersh pulls it back and lets us go through. Skinner, Mr. and Mrs. Van de Kamp and I follow up the entire procession, shooting anything that moves or shoots back. There are three cars waiting for us. Kersh directs all the witness' and Skinner to one. They run. The rest of us jump into Monica's huge SUV while Kersh uses the third car to flee. Mr. and Mrs. Van de Kamp jump in the first two seats, the latter of which giving the seat 'shotgun' a whole new meaning. Monica, Will and I barely manage to sit down before Van de Kamp speeds off. Mulder and Scully are seated in front of us. They are talking a mile a minute and Mulder doesn't seem to hear his son's screams. Monica is bent over William, cooing to him softly. "Shh," she whispers soothingly. "It will be okay. Mommy and Daddy are here." Not that is does much good, I reason. They are too busy talking. Mulder is trying to figure out who Van de Kamp is and Scully is directing Van de Kamp to go north. His wife is still looking out for police cars. William quiets eventually and I am beginning to wonder why Scully hasn't asked for her baby yet. Monica looks over at me. "John, I'm so sorry," she apologizes. "For what?" I ask. "For not telling you, I didn't have time, and for another bombshell I'm going to have to drop on you." I stiffen. The car quiets and Van de Kamp rolls up the windows. "We're going to Canada," she announces. "John and I will stay there, Sara and Daniel," I assume they are the Van de Kamps, "and Dana and Mulder will be flying off to different parts of the world. John," she looks at me and I see fear in her eyes. "William is our baby now." "Our?" I ask, stunned. "William?!" She nods. Scully begins to cry, probably because she has to give up her son for the second time. Really, I think to myself, she only gave him up once. "You don't mind, do you?" she asks fearfully. "I know that...that..." I interrupt her. "Mon," I say softly, "Why in the hell would I mind? A)" I count off my fingers, "I love William, B) I love you and C) Opposites attract." "A to B to C," she says, smiling. ___ One year later ___ Mulder and Scully would be proud, as I think as I watch my baby son eat some sunflower seeds for the first time. "Chew Will," Monica says absentmindedly as the baby tosses the food around in his mouth, trying to figure it out. I laugh. We live in Vancouver and as the snow falls softly outside our house I wonder if Mulder and Scully and the Van de Kamps were as lucky as we are. I fall back from sitting and stare up at the ceiling. Monica picks up Will's plate of sunflower seeds and moves it away from my head. "Honestly Chase," she admonishes. "You're going to kill your self if you keep doing that, falling blindly on the floor." Will crawls on to my stomach. "Don' worry Ginny!" I reply as she sits above me. "Will will kill me first. Will, you're getting big!" He grins and bounces on my stomach. Someone knocks on the door and Monica gets up to get it. "Well I'll be damned!" she cries out joyfully. "John, the Hale's are here! ___